Picture Of the Day #44

As ever The Simpsons had it right. This is a still from the 2000 episode Treehouse of Horror XI – the segment is called ‘Night of the Dolphin.’

I also shared a clip of newsman Kent Brockman suggesting it was “time for our viewers to crack open each other’s heads and feast on the goo inside” – Video of the Day #20.

I’ve posted several times to suggest that some of the measures being taken are perhaps more of a problem than the actual disease – Hong Kong Flu-y – and have expressed my concerns about the media’s glee and lack of perspective in the face of Covid19.

There are two things I have noticed happening during this crisis and I will be interested to see if they continue after the end of this upheaval. The first is that where there is the political will, it is still possible to seal international borders. This is the polar opposite of what the more fanatical Remainers were saying about the UK’s exit from the European Union and what has been claimed about the flow of migrants towards Europe allegedly caused by the Syrian civil war.

The second thing I have noticed is how many meetings have been very quickly and easily arranged using Skype or Google. This should end the hideous spectacle of politicians or, even worse, celebrities, gathering in glorious resorts, often having arrived by private plane , to lecture the plebs about climate change, racism or transgender battery hens. Have you ever noticed how these summits are always held in places like Sardinia and never places like Kabul. Odd that.

As I write these words, the schools in Queensland are open but the pubs are closed.

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