Picture Of The Day #45

In my 1970s childhood I was told, “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out!”

I wrote a post called Don’t Go On Twitter in February and I stand by that advice. The current lockdown has confirmed my opinion that this platform consists entirely of time-rich pseudo-leftists desperate for approval and insane alt-rightists trolling them.

Here is well-known philosopher ‘Dirty’ Harry Callaghan on opinions…

Some people find it difficult to distinguish between facts and opinions, just as some people find it difficult to distinguish between the person making an argument and the argument itself. Whilst I try to respect everyone’s right to an opinion, that does not mean I have to respect their opinions. As boorish, drunken aristocrat Winston Churchill said…

“Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passed without it being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.”

A more perfect description of Twitter cannot be found.

Do I really believe Churchill was a ‘boorish, drunken aristocrat’? Perhaps, perhaps not. But Churchill is a prime example of someone many think it is “an outrage” to criticise. It is possible to admire Churchill’s role in the Second World War whilst being critical of other events in his long and eventful political career. The Churchill who led Britain through its alleged “Darkest Hour” and was reportedly offered the title of Duke of London by King George VI was also the Home Secretary who set soldiers on strikers, the First Lord of the Admiralty responsible for the Gallipoli debacle and the Chancellor of the Exchequer who returned Britain to the Gold Standard at too high a rate.

Covid19 and the lockdown has given some folks even more time on their hands to vent their spleen online – he says as he vents his spleen online. “Know thyself” as it says on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The identity racists have had a field day with this virus and the response to the virus – just about everything from PPE to public transport is racist. Apparently. Criticising the Chinese government is racist too – as we are assured by people who claim not to be anti-Semitic for obsessively criticising Israel. Ho hum.

But, as with most things, religionists are top of the table in the insanity of their opinions about Covid19…

* Pakistan’s most popular cleric, Tariq Jameel, blames the virus on “immodest women”

* In Jerusalem, posters were hung in religious neighbourhoods blaming women outright for the coronavirus due to a “lack of modesty.”

* A conservative pastor in Tennessee is telling his supporters that marriage equality is to blame for coronavirus.

Don’t forget it’s racist to criticise religion!


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