This Is Not A Prediction

Nor is it a love song*

The other day at work someone asked me how the British election would turn out. I answered, facetiously, that it would be a draw. Perhaps that is the best prediction if the media are right about the country being hopelessly divided rather than Brexit being a civil war in the ruling class.

I shall make no predictions about this election as I made such a poor job of predicting the last one. I wrote a post called I Know Nothing About Politics accepting that I had got it badly wrong about the EU Referendum, the 2016 US Presidential Election and the 2017 French Presidential Election as well as the 2017 General Election. Interestingly though, I did predict that Boris Johnson would be Prime Minster before the next election and that the DUP-Conservative alliance would soon collapse.

*There is no reason to post the link to this song. I just like it.

UK politics at the moment is little more than this…


This is the state of British politics…

‘We are on the side of the people.’ ‘No, we are on the side of the people.’

‘You are the Establishment.’ ‘No, you are the Establishment.’

‘You are going to destroy the NHS.’ ‘No, you are going to destroy the NHS.’

And on and on ad infinitum. The constant drivel about the NHS is particularly nauseating as the chances of any of the public school ponces who run the political parties in Britain going to an NHS hospital outside a photo op are zero.

Not one of the mainstream parties really deserves positive support. I am glad I no longer live in the UK.

As someone who is opposed to neoliberal economics, identity politics and emotionally-incontinent doom-mongering, I have no political home in the UK. I have registered to vote in the election (more because I want to vote in any second referendum) but the only party I could consider voting for is the SDP. The politician I have most admired in my lifetime is David Owen. Imagine if Owen and not the insufferably smug and overfed patrician Roy Jenkins had become the first leader of the SDP. Imagine too if the SDP had not got involved with the political pygmies of the old Liberal Party and their backstabbing ‘leader’ David Steel. That is what the UK needs – a moderate, Old Labour, centre-left party shorn of the Corbynite fringe and the identity racists. One can dream.

Talking of identity racists, why is the repugnant David Lammy allowed to imply that the London Fire Brigade is racist but pointless posho Jacob Rees-Mogg is not allowed to agree with the conclusions of the Grenfell Tower report? The UK is a mad place when it comes to pay but why is someone like Lammy paid £80,000 despite having no discernible skills? Are we really saying that Lammy – fat, stupid and racist – is worth more than double the average wage (£30,000) of a London firefighter?

No predictions for the election but two hopes. I hope that Jo Swinson loses her seat to the Scottish Nazi Party and that Ian Blackford, the most boring man in the House of Commons,  loses his too.




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