Picture Of The Day #35

Interesting what you can find on the internet.

You can see here Jo Swinson, current leader of the Liberal Democrats, demanding an in/out referendum back in 2008. And here she is saying that even if people voted a second time to leave the European Union that she still would not accept the result.

Dictionary definitions…

Liberal (adjective): willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.

Democratic (adjective): relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.

By these defintions, neither Swinson nor her party are ‘liberal’ not ‘democratic.’ Be a bit weird to go into an election calling your group ‘The Party’ though. Swinson and her mob, more than a third of whom were elected as members of other parties but refuse to stand in by-elections, are about as democratic as the old East Germany (German Democratic Republic) or North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).

But what would you expect from a party that went into the 2010 election promising to abolish tuition fees but ended up being part of a government that tripled those fees? Swinson served as a member of the Cameron-Clegg coalition government for five years.

The sheer desperation of the Establishment to stay in the EU would be funny if it were not so important. The trashing of precedent and institutions, the contempt for democracy, the calls for a Second Referendum and the mangling of language are all because the majority (not all) of the ruling class wish to remain in the EU because they make money from the UK’s membership. Money is all they care about and money is all they think about. Everything else comes a distant second to their ruthless pursuit of wealth.





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