Quote Of The Day #81

Bet you can’t guess who said this

I haven’t written an anti-religion post for a while now but I couldn’t resist sharing this quote…

“There are no flying horses, there is no Allah. Islam is exactly as Boko Haram practices it. Whoever believes religion has been duped.”

As everyone knows, it is racist to criticise Islam. Here is the definition of the fascist word ‘Islamophobia’ as put forward by the All-Parliamentary Group on British Muslims…

“Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”

As I have commented before, you know you are through the looking glass when you have to define one made-up word – ‘Islamophobia’ – by inventing another – ‘Muslimness.’ Wibble.

So who is the horrible racist who made this disgusting statement? Step forward Mubarak Bala, President of the Humanist Society of Nigeria…

See the source image

I know I’m only a privileged white guy but this fellow seems like an unlikely white supremacist. And I thought only white people were racists.

Mubarak Bala was arrested in April 2020 for the non-crime of blasphemy. He has been denied access to a lawyer and he police will not even admit to holding him. But then, such Western imperialist notions like freedom of religious belief and due process probably don’t apply to a country that is 99%+ Black African. The soft bigotry of low expectations indeed.

FYI – the “flying horse” in the original quote is a reference to Muhammad of Mecca’s flight from Jerusalem to Heaven on a human-faced horse called a Buraq. The sort of story that only the cretins who believe there were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark or that a cosmic Jewish zombie can hear your thoughts would entertain.

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