The Silence Of The Liberals

Nick Cohen is a true liberal

As I have said repeatedly on this blog and elsewhere, I am no fan of the so-called BBC. I see no other group of people that has done more to poison political debate over the past twenty years than the corrupt denizens of Jimmy Savile House. Whilst loudly proclaiming their progressivism, the so-called BBC continue to be funded by what is effectively a poll tax and are in bed with some of the most unpleasant and far right misogynists, homophobes and anti-Semites in Britain today.


Nick Cohen, a columnist for the Observer newspaper I have praised before, is to be commended for a programme he presented on Radio 4 which he provocatively called ‘The Silence of the Liberals.’ I have made a few comments below but I would urge everyone to listen to Cohen’s excoriation of the “deepest silence” he finds amongst Western ‘liberals’ who for reasons best known to themselves have allied with the Islamist hard right to defend the inequality suffered by women in Islamic ‘communities’ in the UK, “inequalities that would never be accepted if white women had to endure them.” Continue reading “The Silence Of The Liberals”

The BBC and “Fake News”

Time to end the licence fee

For most of my life I have been indifferent to the BBC. Beyond a low key resentment at being forced to pay the TV licence I never really considered the BBC’s existence, it was simply there. However, in the last few years, my feelings towards the BBC have become increasingly hostile and I believe it is time to end the poll tax that funds this absurd organisation. Continue reading “The BBC and “Fake News””