Ignorance And Intelligence

What’s the moral of this story?

The donkey told the tigers, “The grass is blue.”

The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”

The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.

Continue reading “Ignorance And Intelligence”

Reblog: Nick Cohen

The modern ‘left’ is anything but

I thought I would share an article by Nick Cohen in today’s (03/10/21) Observer. Cohen, along with Kenan Malik and John Harris, is one of the few sane voices left at the nest of upper class buffoons and comedy racists that is the Guardian website. I don’t always agree with Cohen but here he is spot on.

Continue reading “Reblog: Nick Cohen”

Video Of The Day #33

This is what passes for political debate in 2021. Not rising energy prices, crumbling infrastructure, a bankrupt NHS, unaffordable housing or increasing inequality. No, what the British ruling class want to discuss is whether a bloke in a dress is really a woman.

As foul-mouthed Scottish comedian Jerry Sadowitz once said, “Fuck my pubic hair.”

Continue reading “Video Of The Day #33”

I Don’t Want Live On This Planet Anymore

Continue reading “I Don’t Want Live On This Planet Anymore”

The Guardian Theme Song Update

Do we need a list of what isn’t racist?

In March 2018, I wrote a song to the theme of The Lego Movie called Everything is racist!

My song contained the line…

“White milk, nursery rhymes, we just named some racist things”

This was meant to be a joke. In 2021, a member of the weekend hippies of Stinky Conformism, Alison Plaumer, told Brighton Council that serving too many dairy products is racist because a lot of non-Europeans are lactose-intolerant. As lunacy goes, this is right up there with estate agents not calling the biggest bedroom the ‘master suite’ because, you know, ‘racism.’

See also Picture of the Day #47


Continue reading “The Guardian Theme Song Update”

The New Misogyny

Are women’s rights being sacrificed to identity politics?

I haven’t written very much recently as I started a new job in October and it is taking most of my mental bandwidth at the moment. Plus I’m exhausted when I get home in the evening.

I have commented (many times) before that words are vitally important in understanding the world. And the meaning of words can shift, sometimes dramatically, over time. In colonial America, ‘enthuisiast’ was a deadly insult as it implied brainless adherence to religion rather than sober thoughtfulness. If you read a book written before the early 1960s, it can be mildly amusing to see the word ‘gay’ used in its original context.

Which brings me to the word ‘Woke.’

Continue reading “The New Misogyny”

Rejecting The Binary

Sometimes two things can be true at the same time

An example of a typical Twitter thread…

User #1: I like dogs.

User #2: What about cats? Your horrible felineophobia disgusts me. Bigot! You are worse than Hitler.

Another typical example of modern media environment…

Donald Trump: I have found a cure for cancer that is 100% effective and has zero side effects.

BBC/Guardian: Donald Trump puts thousands of highly-skilled oncologists out of work. Commentators observed that many of those affected are people of colour.

Modern political discourse is the home of the binary and the triumph of emotion over fact…

I reject both.

Continue reading “Rejecting The Binary”

Words Fail Me

Public money was used to make this

Watch this and see if you can keep a straight face…

There is a simple mathematical way to determine gender…

Continue reading “Words Fail Me”

My Hatred Is Better Than Yours

A lack of self-awareness? Or something else?

“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”

So wrote 17th century mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal – Quote of the Day #34 and Update.

Amongst the main annoying characteristics of religious people is their belief that they know. Not only that they know but that they know everything – the thoughts of the ‘creator’ of the universe, the meaning of life, what happens when you dies, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Whilst religious belief in the West has declined – at least so far as Christianity is concerned – the religious impulse is alive and well in politics.

Continue reading “My Hatred Is Better Than Yours”

Luxury Beliefs And Class Hatred Part One

The new religions and the old

This is a long one, so I will post it in two parts.

Alexander II, Tsar of Russia between 1855 and 1881, was a great man. He extricated Russia from the ludicrous Crimean War, freed the Russian peasantry from serfdom and introduced elected local government and trial by jury. Despite all this, the Great Emancipator was murdered by radicals from the People’s Will (Narodnaya Volya) who only achieved the replacement of a reforming emperor with his brutal and autocratic son.

Alexander II is a textbook example of the failure of the monarchical principle since despite all his achievements, his father, his son and his grandson (Nicholas I, Alexander III and Nicholas II were all unequal to the task of ruling Russia in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. But that is not the reason I have shared this biographical sketch. Alexander’s murderers remind me of a certain type of pseudo-radical and narcissistic purist who is so prevalent in our own times. Continue reading “Luxury Beliefs And Class Hatred Part One”

The Emperor Has No Clothes

The new religions are as intolerant as the old

Anyone who has read this blog knows the contempt I feel for organised religion – particularly in its monotheistic, Abrahamic form(s). It is my belief that monotheism is an inherently bigoted ideology as it suggests that there is one true path to one true god. Opponents are not simply wrong, they are evil.

The precipitous decline in religious belief in the West is an entirely positive development. However, this decline has not seen the disappearance of the religious impulse. A small, but very vocal, number of people appear to have transferred their religious devotion to politics. The same intolerance, the same bigotry, the same belief in fictitious notions and the same refusal to admit to being wrong about anything.

Transgenderism has become a religion for some people. Continue reading “The Emperor Has No Clothes”

Losing The Plot

The identity-obsessives are becoming a real threat to social cohesion

“You say we are homophobic. We say you are Islamophobic.”

These words were allegedly said on one of the protesters at Anderton Park primary school in Birmingham.

On 9th June 2019, the Sunday Times published an article by the writer Julie Bindel entitled Julie Bindel: the man in a skirt called me a Nazi – then attacked.

The obsession with identity politics is becoming ever more violent and it is extremely dangerous to social cohesion. Continue reading “Losing The Plot”

Ideology And Biology

The triumph of emotion?

Neil DeGrasse Tyson, American astrophysicist…

“The good thing about science is that it is true whether or not you believe in it.”

Richard Dawkins, British evolutionary biologist…

“Evolution is just a theory? Well so is gravity and I don’t see you jumping out of buildings.”

In 1984 by George Orwell, the main protagonist Winston Smith wrote in his secret (illegal) diary that…

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”

Such was the brutal physical and psychological torture of Smith by the Thought Police that by the end of the novel he was doubting the simple statement of truth he had made.

In an episode of Doctor Who starring the peerless Tom Baker, an insane computer (yes, I know) was trying to destroy an entire society to fit in with its delusions. The Doctor commented (I paraphrase)…

“The very stupid and the very powerful have one thing in common. They don’t change their opinions to fit the facts, they change the facts to fit their opinions.”

All of this is a rather longwinded way of suggesting a rather old-fashioned view – that there are objectives facts in this world. Some things are right and some things are wrong, demonstrably wrong. Continue reading “Ideology And Biology”